Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm  |   990 Criss Circle, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
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Physical Security Assessment & Planning

Uncovering Vulnerabilities, Fortifying Defenses

Delve into Forbel’s meticulous approach to physical security assessments. We pinpoint weaknesses, recommend robust solutions, and weave these evaluations into our comprehensive turnkey security solutions.


Why Is a Physical Security Assessment Essential?

Physical security risk assessment acts as the backbone of a fortified defense strategy. It's not just about spotting the weak links — it's about envisioning a future-proofed and compliant security environment. Here's why:


Spotting Vulnerabilities

Before they become major breaches, identifying potential weak points is crucial.

Regulatory Adherence

Staying in line with industry and legal standards to avoid unnecessary penalties.

Precision in Selection

Determining which security solutions perfectly align with your property’s unique demands.


Anticipating and preparing for future security challenges and needs.

Elevate Your Security Strategy - Begin with a Free Assessment!

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Our Site Survey & Planning Process

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1. Initial Consultation:

Before we initiate any groundwork, we first need to understand your unique needs. This is a foundational step that allows us to immerse ourselves in your security concerns, gauge your expectations, and get an accurate sense of your existing physical security infrastructure. By establishing a solid rapport and understanding from the jump, we're able to provide a customized solution.

2. Physical Site Survey

This is where our expertise truly shines. Our seasoned specialists embark on a thorough walkthrough of your facility. From main access points to secluded corners, we leave no stone unturned on our physical security assessment checklist. Every potential risk, no matter how minute, is meticulously identified. This in-depth survey ensures we have a granular view of the security gaps and potential enhancements.

3. Analysis & Reporting

With the data in hand, we get to the drawing board. We combine our findings with our vast experience as security professionals to distill this information into actionable insights. Not only do we pinpoint the immediate internal and external threats to your critical assets, but we also look at the larger security landscape to foresee and preempt potential challenges. The resulting report offers a clear and structured view of where you stand and what you need.

Security installation

4. Strategic Blueprint

Based on our analysis, we begin the crafting of a bespoke security strategy. Recognizing that every building has its own set of challenges and requirements, our blueprint is never one-size-fits-all. Instead, it's a detailed, step-by-step plan that's tailored to your property's specifications and your specific security goals.

system Integration

5. Security System Design

Informed by our strategic blueprint, this step involves the actual design of your security measures. We combine the latest in security technology with design principles to conceptualize a system that's efficient, user-friendly, and above all, secure. This design phase ensures the practical application of our recommendations is well-planned, integrated, and optimized for your facility.

Delving Into Key Components Assessed

In the ever-evolving landscape of security threats and challenges, it's paramount to have an exhaustive understanding of every component of your security system. With Forbel, you're not just getting a cursory look; you're getting a deep dive into the very essence of your security framework. From access control intricacies to the delicate balance between energy and security, our assessment touches every facet. Below, we further explain our meticulous approach to evaluating the critical components that form the backbone of your building's safety.

Now, let's move on to the detailed exploration of these components.


Access Control Vigilance

At the forefront of physical security risk assessments lies the intricacy of access control. We pay close attention to the dynamics of entry and exit to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of access control systems. By evaluating access control points and the operating procedures linked to them, our goal is to guarantee foolproof entry and exit to minimize risk factors.

Surveillance Scrutiny

In our comprehensive security risk assessment, video surveillance stands as a paramount pillar. We don't just skim; we delve deep. This means evaluating the breadth and depth of coverage, identifying any lurking blind spots, and strategizing for optimal camera placements to maximize coverage and security.

Alarm System Analysis

No stone goes unturned as we conduct a thorough physical security audit of existing intrusion detection mechanisms. We assess their responsiveness, integration, and overall effectiveness. This audit aims to detect and suggest areas ripe for enhancement to ensure timely alerts and minimize false positives.

Fire Safety Review

Fire safety goes beyond mere installations. In our review, we ensure that the fire alarm system isn't just compliant but is also primed for swift responsiveness. By checking their integration with other systems and analyzing their performance under various scenarios, you'll have peace of mind that functionality is high.

Communication Systems Check

Communication is the lifeline of any security infrastructure. Be it intercoms or door entry systems, our assessment ensures that these channels not only work but work well. We study their integration, response times, and resilience against potential threats to make sure communication remains both unhindered and secure.

Who Should Consider a Security Assessment?

In today's volatile security landscape, understanding vulnerabilities is not just for high-risk sites; it's vital for any property type. A comprehensive security assessment provides clarity and ensures all premises, irrespective of their nature, stay a step ahead of potential threats.

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Unlock Your Building's True Safety Potential!

Empower your infrastructure with the best in class security assessment services. Dive deep, uncover vulnerabilities, and set the stage for unparalleled safety.

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Why Forbel Should Be Your Go-To for Security Assessment

Modern Challenges, Mastered

Our prowess lies in navigating the complex terrain of contemporary security challenges.

Holistic Viewpoint

We don’t just spot specific threats; we strategize to ensure every assessment translates to actionable defense.

Tech-Forward Methodology

Harnessing cutting-edge assessment tools to offer unparalleled insights.

Tailored to You

Every recommendation is sculpted considering both your security needs and budgetary constraints.

Client's Reviews

Gina L.

I had never explored CCTV systems before for my store but decided to after a string of burglaries. Forbel handled the installation process efficiently, finally making my store feel secure, and we haven’t had an issue since. They are the best security service near me!

Taylor J.

If you’re looking for affordable installation of CCTV camera solutions, Forbel has it! Their team was really knowledgeable and provided a quote that was right within my budget, which was hard to come by in Chicago. They made my project feel like a priority, which I really appreciated.

John F.

Forbel offers the best service - I swear by them! Their team worked efficiently after assessing my property to provide an estimate and then installed my new camera system quickly, I was really impressed.

Explore Our Comprehensive Services

Along with site surveys, Forbel offers a variety of security services. Explore our offerings and fortify every facet of your premises.

Security System Installation
Security System Integration
Security System Design
Security System Upgrade
Security System IntegrationSecurity Implementation


Does Forbel manage the entire procurement process from start to finish?

Yes, Forbel oversees the complete procurement journey, from initial assessment and system selection to negotiations, acquisition, and integration. We take a comprehensive approach to ensure consistency, quality, and efficiency throughout every phase, simplifying the process for our clients.

How does Forbel’s procurement service integrate with existing security infrastructure?

Forbel specializes in seamless integration, meaning our procurement services don’t just add new systems; they enhance your existing security infrastructure. We carefully assess current setups and procure compatible solutions that bolster your security landscape without requiring a complete overhaul.

What is the average cost to install a security system?

The average cost to install a security system can vary widely based on several factors including the size of the premises, the complexity of the system, and the specific components included. It's best to contact us directly for a tailored quote that fits your unique security needs and budget.

Ready to Elevate Your Security Posture?

Don't just be reactive; anticipate and neutralize threats before they arise. Partner with Forbel and pave the way to a safer, more secure tomorrow.

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